Make sure you have obtained a valid entry permit.
Be punctual for the activities.
Respect animals & their habits.
Observe silence.
Appreciate the colours & sounds of nature.
Carry a valid Identity card issued by Government Agency.
Wear clothes that blend with the forest landscape.
Take pictures, but without disturbing wildlife.
Keep a safe distance from wild animals.
Drive slowly and carefully. Wild animals have the first right of way.
Observe the sanctity of holy sites, respect local customs.
Observe the prescribed route and time limit.
Obey the laws, rules & regulations of the Sanctuary.
Do not litter.
Do not feed animals.
Do not carry pets.
Do not blow the horn.
Do not lit any kind of fire.
Do not take away flora & fauna in the form of cuttings, seeds or roots.
Do not carry any type of plastic bags inside the Sanctuary.
No trespassing in forest area.
Do not alight from the vehicle.
Do not use spotlights or searchlights.
Do not disturb or tease animals.
Avoid playing any kind of musical instruments.
Smoking & liquor are strictly prohibited.
Do not carry weapons or explosives inside the Sanctuary.
Do not be disappointed if you don’t see a big cat – there are many other interesting creatures & flora to be seen and cherished.

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